Hans Peter Iverson in Prison

The following is taken from a history of Hans Peter IversonHans Peter Iverson,
Victor Moses Iverson,
Marie Iverson,
Laron Waite

May 26, 1920: For the benefit of my children I will write a short history of my life.

I was born on the 24th day of September, 1835, in the town of Vestbirk Skanderborg, Amt Denmark. My parents did make their living by farming; they were God fearing members of the Lutheran Church, in which I was educated and confirmed when I was fourteen and one half years old. My desire was to live a godly life. My father's name was Jeppe Iverson; my mother's name was Annie Agorstine Mortensen. My oldest brother was Andrew, the next Martin. I have three sisters, Elsa Marie, Carolina Christena, and Elisabeth Catherine.

For, a few years. I was hired out to farmers in our neighborhood herding stock etc. In March, 1854, we for the first time heard the restored gospel preached by missionaries of the (nick named) Mormon Church. We did embrace it, except my brother Andrew. I was baptized the 1st day of April, 1854, and the following November I was ordained a Teacher and with a partner sent out to perform missionary labor as Christ did send His disciples formerly. So were we without purse or script. We met a variety of people, held many meetings, and helped a few into the folds of Christ by baptism.

In March, 1857, we got arrested at Skjernbra, and held, there in prison for nine months. Finally, we did appeal to the Danish government and then got immediately released. In 1859, we were again imprisoned, but just for five days. The food we got was just. dark bread and water. While in prison we did study the English language.

In the spring of 1859 I was released from missionary labor that I might emigrate to Zion. I was advised to take a sister with me Annie T. Nisson, the last one I had baptized. Did agree with me. We were married the 17th day of April on the Atlantic Ocean, by Elder R. F. Neilson, captain of our company. Twelve more couples were married that same day. Our company was about 900 souls. We had a pleasant trip over the ocean on the sailing vessel by the name of Tapscot.

Over land we went with ox team. My father met us at Salt Lake City. We located at Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete County. I started farming and did build a small house. On the 30th day of October, 1860, my wife became mother of a baby girl. We gave her the name of Annie Kerstine Elizabeth.