Family chart for John Daniel Wilkes and Hannah Luella Child Wilkes

"A Short Sketch On The Life Of John Daniel Wilkes, Son Of John Wilkes And Martha Hunt Wilkes"
As left in writing by his widow, Luella Child Wilkes:
June 25, 1939

"John Daniel Wilkes was born May 6, 1874, at St. Charles, Bear Lake County, Idaho, his parents being some of the first pioneers of Bear Lake County.

"While only a small boy he moved with his parents to Star Valley, Wyoming. Together with but a few other families, they were the first to take up land and settle in that valley. They had to build log cabins with dirt roofs preparing the best they could for the first winter. They hauled provisions to eat with them and could kill plenty of wild game such as antelope, deer and elk that roamed around their yard. So they fared quite nicely for food. However, the snow fell heavily and they were snowed in the Valley. Their horses died before spring and the only way they had to travel was on snowshoes or skis.

"When spring came, many more people moved in and took up land and soon the little village sprang up which is now the flourishing town of Afton. The Wilkes family was one of the first families to build a nice cottage or home in that community.

"John D. Or Johnny, his best known name, took great interest in home and home life and took great delight in any success or joy that came to various members of the family of which he was a part, being the oldest in a family of nine children. No effort on his part was ever too great if it could bring sunshine to their hearts and home.

"At the age of 21 he was married in the Logan Temple, Oct. 17, 1895, to Luella Child. The next spring, 1896, they moved to Thayne, Wyoming, where he was appointed post master and was also manager of the mercantile business owned by the Roberts Brothers.

"As time rolled on, Roberts' Brothers dissolved partnership. Johnny and wife moved to Afton where he was employed in the new business owned by Arthur Roberts. The next year they started planning and building their first home which added much pleasure and happiness to their lives. It was his desire to bring into their married lives everything that was lovely, romantic and good. They went forward year by year gaining more happiness, more thrills and more beautiful companionship in those few short years of married life.

"He was the father of three children, namely, John Edgar, born Jan. 30, 1899; DeLoyd C., born April 12, 1903; and Norma L., born Feb. 12, 1905.

"In the year of 1901 he was chosen and set apart as a home missionary. He was secretary of the stake Sunday School at the time of his death and was employed as head clerk at the Burton Mercantile Company.

"He was only a young man when he died and 10 short years of his married life was full of love and devotion. When the time came to depart he was stricken with pneumonia. His death came as a great shock to all, but he was reconciled and said, "We must all meet our Beloved Maker and I am ready". He left this life Saturday morning, March 11, 1905, at the age of 30 years, 10 months and 5 days.

Considerable has been written in the previous chapter of Aunt Luella and how she befriended Grandpa Wilkes to the day of his passing away. She was a successful business woman and she and Edgar operated the Wilkes' Corner Grocery in Pocatello for many years. Edgar married Julia Ann Preece 13 Oct 1919. They had four children, Jeraldine, John Jr., Robert J. And Harold D.

On the 12th of October 1947 Thomas Blacker became a widower when his wife, Hettie Wilkes Blacker passed away and he and Aunt Luella were married on the 22nd of June 1948 in the Idaho Falls Temple. Aunt Luella had been a widow for 43 years. They made their home in Rupert but for two or three months of their later years each year they lived in Mesa, Arizona, where Dad passed away on the 27th of March 1957 and Aunt Luella again became a widow. She then returned and remained in Rupert until two or three months prior to her passing away in July of 1963, in Pocatello at the home of her daughter-in-law, Ann. Edgar had passed away in 1943. Aunt Luella was buried by the side of her husband, John Daniel in Afton, Wyoming. He had preceded her in death 58 years.

John Daniel Wilkes taken in 1895
Luella Child Wilkes taken in 1895
Luella Wilkes as a young businesswoman about 1910 at Burtons
Luella Wilkes about 1925 in Wilkes' Grocery
Norma, Deloyd, and Edgar Wilkes. Taken in 1908
Luella Wilkes and her second husband Thomas Blacker, 1955