Daniel D. Hunt and his first wife, Nancy Davis Hunt's oldest son, John Alexander Hunt, age 26, had served a four year mission in England, and was returning to Utah in 1856. In July of that month, he was at the LDS Emigration Camp just outside of Iowa City, where 450 members had gathered to prepare to travel to Utah by wagon. They were being organized under the authority of Apostle Erastus Snow into groups. Two large groups were organized, the Hodgett Train and the Dan Jones Train. John Hunt was made a captain over a group of 50, under Dan Jones. which consisted of 56 wagons, and many cattle and oxen. Other men were captains of 10. The Martin and Willie Handcart companies had left two weeks earlier.

The Hodgett company left several days before the Dan Jones Company, who left Iowa City August 1, 1856. and after two weeks, Dan Jones was called to leave on another assignment, and he gave the authority of his entire group to John Hunt.

Eventually, the wagon trains caught up with the handcart companies, and of necessity, traveled with them as all faced terrible conditions of the late season.

Ruth Blacker Waite

July 1856

Thursday, July 31. Early this morning a messenger arrived with a petition of the company of thirty wagons which had left the campground the day before in charge of Capt. Hodgett for the use of the mule bought for the good of the company, as through the unruliness of their cattle, they could not get along without it. A meeting of captains of Tens was at once called, and it was unanimously resolved that considering the circumstances of the Hodgett Company having the advantage of being in advance of the remaining part of the company, and cattle were now missing which caused the detention of the rear part of the company, they could not spare the mule, and sent word accordingly.

August 1856

Friday, August 1. The main company (in charge of Capt. Dan Jones) left the camp ground near Iowa City at 4 o'clock p.m. and camped for the night, having traveled two miles. The encampment was made at a place where there was plenty of good feed for the cattle, but good drink water was not to be had.

Saturday, August 2. The main company remained in camp all day, as some of the wagons belonging to the company were still behind.

Sunday, August 3. A general search was made for two yoke of oxen belonging to Mary Smith, and a muley ox belonging to William Busley. Men and oxen were sent back and every wagon was brought from the last camp ground. All the lost oxen were recovered. A meeting was called at 8 o'clock p.m. and addressed by Captain Dan Jones and others. Good and timely instruction were given to guide the emigrants in the prosecution of their journey.

Monday, August 4. The company resumed the journey at 10 o'clock a.m. with their fifty-six wagons which now comprised this part of the wagon company. A distance of six miles was covered and the night encampment made where there was water and excellent feed for the cattle.

Tuesday, August 5. The company started at 9 o'clock a.m., traveled over a good road 16 miles (resting an hour in the middle of the day), and camped for the night on high ground in the midst of small trees and near a creek, where there was good feed for the cattle.

Wednesday, August 6. The Camp was visited early in the morning with rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning. The company rolled out at 10 o'clock a.m. and, after traveling 5 miles, they crossed the creek where there was no bridge which caused a long detention. The company left the road and camped a short distance to the left on the bottom where the water and grass were good. Day's journey, 11 miles.

Thursday, August 7. The company had to pull up to the main road, and at 8:30 a.m. half the company proceeded on their journey, leaving the other half on the camp ground, on account of some individuals claiming a yoke of oxen belonging to the Church which affair had to be settled. Half the company journeyed 14 miles and went half a mile off the road where they camped at the bottom of a hill where feed for the cattle was good, but the water bad.

Friday, August 8. The company started at 9 o'clock a.m. While going up a hill toward the road, Brother Briner's wagon got into a hole and tipped over, his wife, child and mother were in the wagon, but were not badly hurt, although the bows were all smashed. The distance traveled during the day was 19 miles, but it was nine o'clock p.m. before the whole of the company camped and found sufficient water and feed for the cattle.

Saturday, August 9. The company began to move off the camp ground at 8:30 a.m. and soon all were on the way. Early in the afternoon it commenced to rain very heavily, making the roads very slippery. With great difficulty the brethren succeeded in getting up the hills, of which there had been many since the company left Iowa City. Some of the wagons were compelled to halt and camp before getting up with main body. The distance traveled during the day was 21 miles.

Sunday, August 10. The wagons which were left behind the previous evening overtook the main train which rested until they all arrived, and as there was good feed and good water the company traveled no further that day. A meeting was called in the evening, when nearly all the visitors had left the camp. Captain Dan Jones had something to tell the company which was absolutely necessary for the travelers to understand, but as only a few attended, he appointed another meeting to be held at 8 o'clock the next morning.

Monday, August 11. According to appointment, a meeting was held at 8 o'clock a.m. Captain Dan Jones addressed the brethren and sisters, showing them their several duties and pointing out wherein they had lacked in fulfilling them, and of their lack of union and unwillingness to do what was required of them. Several of the captains of Tens also spoke and all agreed with Capt. Jones that something must be done. A good spirit prevailed in the meeting and those present appeared willing to answer the calls made upon them in the future. And it was resolved that they would obey their captains, and respond to what might be required of them in the future. It was also resolved that all should give heed to the call of the marshal for guarding and to look after the loose herd, and to be in readiness for hitching up as soon as the cattle were brought into the corral. Brothers Ferguson, Webb, and McAllister arrived in the afternoon. Capt. Jones said that he had been requested to have the company in order, so as to join President Richard's company at Florence, as originally designed, and go through the Valley by mule teams. In the evening another meeting was held, at which it was moved that Brother John A. Hunt should succeed Dan Jones in the captaincy of the company. This motion was sustained unanimously.

Tuesday, August 12. Public prayer meeting was held in the camp at 7 o'clock a.m. The company resumed the journey at 10 o'clock, traveled 6 miles and camped on Indian Creek. Here the bridge crossing the stream was in bad condition, but the company crossed without accident. Here was a plentiful supply of water and the feed for the cattle was good. George Rust McDonald was re-baptized by Elder John A. Hunt. He was confirmed by Elder James Ferguson the following day. Another meeting was held in the evening, addressed by Capt. Hunt who wished to come to some arrangement respecting the two mules which he said were bought for herding and hunting cattle, one of them being used in hauling the smith forge and the carriage on which it rested. This was objected to, and the statement made that the meeting had nothing to do with the matter, it being a joint stock concern, in which the shareholders had all the right.

Wednesday, August 13. The morning was wet in the camp which did not move all day. Thomas Parry (aged 21 years) from Wales, died at noon of inflammation of the brain, and was buried in the evening in a burying ground, about two miles from camp. The deceased had up to the time of his death served as teamster to Capt. Dan Jones.

Thursday, August 14. Elders Ferguson, Webb, and McAllister, and Dan Jones left the company in the morning with their mule teams. The camp started at 9 o'clock a.m. and crossed several streams over which the bridges were bad; otherwise the road generally was very good. The leading Ten (John Lewis, Captain) camped at 8 o'clock p.m. at a place where there was a creek of good water and short grass for the cattle. The rest of the company camped about 2 miles in the rear where there was no water. The distance traveled by the main company during the day was 18 miles.

Friday, August 15. At 9 o'clock a.m. the other Tens resumed the journey, and after traveling 2 miles they passed the Ten which traveled ahead the preceding day, as each Ten took a turn in traveling ahead each day. On reaching the creek on which the first Ten had encamped during the night much time was occupied in watering the cattle, and therefore it was midday before the last Ten had left the creek to proceed on their journey. In the evening the company crossed a river 50 yards wide (Des Moines River) at the town of Fort Des Moines. Capt. Hunt remained at the crossing and assisted the wagons across with an extra yoke of oxen. It was 10 o'clock p.m. when the whole company got into the campground, 2 miles west of the town, after traveling 14 miles during the day. At the campground water was scarce, but the feed was pretty good. A number of persons from the town visited the camp late in the evening; they formed a procession and paraded inside of the corral playing on some instruments of music; but they shortly withdrew, not finding much patronage from the company.

Saturday, August 16. The company resumed the journey at 9:15 a.m. Rested an hour in the middle of the day and made their evening encampment at 5 o'clock p.m., having traveled 12 miles during the day.

Sunday, August 17. A meeting was appointed for 2 o'clock p.m. and the camp was ordered not to move, because of the wet weather. That meeting was not held, however, but a prayer meeting was held at 8 o'clock p.m. where timely instructions were given by Captains Hunt and Davis. Water at this place was scanty and feed for the cattle was not very good.

Monday, August 18. The company proceeded on their journey at 10 o'clock a.m. and traveled without making a noon halt, the greatest part of the way over a level plain. About noon they crossed a river about 30 years wide, without incident, and formed their evening encampment between 6 and 7 o'clock, having traveled 16 miles during the day. At this camping place the water was good and there was also plenty of feed for the cattle. A prayer meeting was held at 8:30 p.m. and instruction given by Captains Hunt and Davis.

Tuesday, August 19. For some time prayer meetings had been held every night and morning in the camp. This morning prayer meeting was over by 7:30 a.m., and the cattle immediately brought into the corral. Three oxen left in the brush were soon found. The company was again on the way, traveling over good roads. At 11 o'clock a.m. a creek was crossed, on the bank of which the company nooned. The evening encampment was made on the top of a hill where fuel was rather scarce, but where the water and feed for the cattle was good. In the evening prayer meeting, Captains Hunt and Elder Davis again gave timely instructions.

Wednesday, August 20. The company resumed the journey at 8:30 a.m., traveling again over a very hilly country, but the teams got along without assistance, and the wagaons kept well together. An hour was spent resting in the middle of the day, and the evening encampment was made between 6 and 7 o'clock at a place where the water was good and feed for the cattle found a short distance from the camp. At the evening prayer meeting, Capt. Davis proposed that any man, woman or child who had come to years of accountability, who was found disobeying the counsels or instructions of the captain, should be compelled to leave the company. The camp voted unanimously in favor of the proposition. It was also proposed that any man who was fund taking out a gun for the purpose of shooting before the corral was formed, or shooting within half a mile of the camp, should forfeit his gun. This proposition was also accepted by all present.

Thursday, August 21. At 8:30 a.m. the wagons began to draw out, and when four Tens were on the way, it was found that a pair of oxen belonging to the fifth Ten had not been brought into the corral, which prevented the rest from starting, and search was immediately made for the missing animals, men being sent in different directions for the purpose, but the missing oxen could not be found. Capt. Hunt stopped until 5 o'clock p.m. and left word for those behind to work on Sunday and endeavor to overtake the four Tens as soon as possible.

Friday, August 22. Capt. Lewis' Ten was still detained on account of the missing cattle. Further search was made for them up to 1 o'clock p.m., but with no avail. Moses Jenkins, who owned the missing, was compelled to purchase another pair of oxen at the first opportunity. He made arrangements with a Mr. Osbourn of Dal_ _ to have them advertised and gave him authority to sell the oxen, when found, and remit him the cash, after deducting all reasonable expenses. Capt. Lewis's Ten left the campground at 3:30 p.m., traveled 7 miles in 3 hours and camped at 6:30 p.m. for the night, where water was scarce, but feed good.

Saturday, August 23. The small company of nine wagons left behind the main company resumed the journey at 7:45 a.m., traveled 12 miles before dinner and 7 miles after, and camped at 6:15 p.m. at a place where the feed was good, but the water scarce.

Sunday, August 24. The journey was resumed at 10 o'clock a.m., the company passed Indiantown at 4:30 p.m., traveled 5 miles further and camped at 7 p.m. where water was plentiful and the feed for the cattle very good. Day's journey, 14 miles.

Monday, August 25. The wagons moved off the campground at 9 a.m. and camped just over the toll bridge where they paid 20 cents for each wagon and oxen. Here was plenty of water, but the feed was not very good. The distance traveled during the day was 15 miles. Capt. Hunt came back and met the rear company at 11 o'clock a.m. He informed the brethren that they were only 9 miles from the main company. The Captain stopped with the little company until they had passed a small bridge. In going over this bridge, Capt. Davis' wagon capsized in the creek, but, as good luck would have it, only one bow was broken. The rest passed over the bridge without accident. Near the bridge which was reached after making a steep descent, there was a quick turn in the road.

Tuesday, August 26. The rear company resumed the journey at 8:30 a.m., traveled through a very hilly country, crossed three or four fine streams of water and camped on one of them at 7 p.m., after traveling 18 miles during the day. Here the feed was good. The main company was only 2 miles ahead.

Wednesday, August 27. The small company resumed the journey at 8:30 a.m., passed through Bluff City (Council Bluffs) at 11 a.m., and reached a point close to the ferry on the Missouri River at 6:30 p.m., about an hour after the arrival of the main company. The feed here was very scanty. Day's journey, 16 miles.

Thursday, August 28. The ferrying of wagons across the Missouri River was commenced at 8 o'clock a.m. and at 7:30 p.m. the whole company of 56 wagons had been taken across without any serious accident, and camped close to the city of Florence.

Friday, August 29. The company was busy in taking the provisions and other requisites for the journey on the Plains. Flour sold at $4.50 per hundred, cornmeal at $2.50 per hundred, sugar 12 and 15 cents a pound, etc. Very little bacon could be had and most of the company had only a trifling weight of it.

Saturday, August 30. A meeting was held in the evening which was addressed by Elder Erastus Snow, who gave instructions concerning the journey. He advised them to stop for nothing, except for resting their cattle, as there was no time to waste. There was no sickness in the camp except a case or two or ague. Notice was given that all who were ready would move their wagons out about three miles from Florence to a place where the feed was better and the rest were to follow as soon as possible. Some of the company decided to stop at Florence. Among them were Nathan Davis with two wagons, Henry Dalyrumple with one wagon and many others out of the other wagons. Henry H. Wiseman, a son of John and Mary A. Wiseman of Canterbury, England, died, aged two years.

Sunday, August 31. The company commenced to move out of Florence at 8 o'clock a.m. and by evening all the wagons had moved out three miles, where the feed was but middling and the water scarce. A meeting was held in the evening addressed by Elders Erastus Snow and franklin D. Richards. Elder Snow alluded to the Saints when they were driven and settling down. It was the desire of President Young that settlements should be made all the way between the Missouri River and great Salt Lake City. There would then be no need for mules or ox teams, but they would be traveled from one settlement to another with their packs upon their backs. He threw out these hints for the Saints to think about, and some of them began to wonder if they would be called upon to settle down anywhere on the road.

September 1856

Monday, September 1. The company remained in camp all day. Some discarded some of their loading according to instructions. The cattle were brought into the corral for safety.

Tuesday, Sept. 2. The company left the camp ground at 10:15 a.m., traveled 7 miles and camped for the night at 3 p.m. on the Big Papillion, where there was plenty of good water and good feed. The cattle were brought into the corral for the night.

Wednesday, Sept. 3. The camp got ready and started off at 10 o'clock a.m., and arrived at the Elkhorn River at 1:30 p.m. The wagons were ferried across with as much haste as possible, and by 7;15 p.m. all were across. Traveling 2 miles beyond the ferry, an encampment was made for the night on Rawhide Creek, where water was plentiful and feed pretty good. The cattle were not corralled that day. Distance traveled, 10 miles.

Thursday, Sept 4. Every exertion was made for the company to start earlier than usual and so they left the campground at 8 o'clock a.m. They found good traveling for 12 miles, and after resting an hour and three quarters near the Platte River, the journey was continued. An encampment for the night was made near a slough. Had to give water to the cattle. The feed was plentiful but coarse. Day's journey, 18 miles. Brother William Salisbury's four-year old son was run over by a wagon during the day and seriously hurt; he fell from the seat in front of the wagon.

Friday, Sept. 5. A storm commenced in the camp at 6 o'clock a.m. accompanied by thunder and lightning. It continued for 1 1/2 hours. The company moved at 9 o'clock a.m, stopped 2 hours in the middle of the day and then journeyed until 6:45 p.m. where an encampment was made on Shell Creek, after traveling 17 miles during the day. The water and feed here was good. During the day, the company met some Californians, who reported that Almon W. Babbitt's company had been attacked by Indians, and that two men and a child had been killed; one woman was missing, the other two men escaped, leaving the four wagons.

Saturday, Sept. 6. Esther Walters, wife of John Walters, from Cardiff, Wales, was delivered of a daughter at 5 o'clock a.m. and was doing well. The company resumed the journey at 8:45 a.m. Franklin D. Richards, Daniel Spencer and 12 other brethren passed the company with a mule team at 10:15 a.m. going west. After traveling 12 miles, the company rested, where these brethren waited for them. They were pleased with the manner the wagon company had proceeded on their journey and gave the brethren every encouragement of success int heir further travels. Brother Richards and company left the company which followed them, 2 hours later. Encampment was made at 6 p.m. three miles from the Loupe Fork ferry on the Platte River bottom, where the feed was good. Distance traveled, 18 miles.

Sunday, Sept. 7. The journey was resumed at 8 o'clock a.m. and after traveling 3 miles, the company reached the Loupe Fork ferry, with the expectation of crossing over at once, but the water had risen the night before so much that the tackle belonging to the ferry-boat was damaged, making it too late for crossing that evening. This gave the travelers and their cattle a day's rest at a place where the feed was good.

Monday, Sept. 8. The wind blew hard and the water was very high in the Loupe Fork. The ferrymen, with the assistance of some of the brethren, got the rope across the river and straightened the same. Brother George Spencer's company of Ten was taken across in the evening.

Tuesday, Sept. 9. The remaining wagons of the company were taken across Loupe Fork, the ferrying being finished at 2 o'clock p.m. A yoke of oxen belonging to the Church was missing and several of the brethren were sent out to search for them; they returned with them to camp at 4:15 p.m. Brother Ellis Jones had lost two gentle cows on Sunday last at the Loupe Fork ferry and up to this time had not been found. The company moved forward at 5 o'clock p.m. and after traveling seven miles camped at 8 o'clock on the banks of Loupe Fork.

Wednesday, Sept. 10. At 8 o'clock a.m. the wagons left their place of encampment, traveled 13 miles and stopped 2 hours for the cattle to water and feed; then the journey was continued until 7:15 p.m., and a camp made on the Loupe Fork after traveling 20 miles during the day.

Thursday, Sept. 11. The company broke camp at 8:30 a.m., went back half a mile and crossed the hills toward the Platte River, traveling a part of the day over sandy roads. After nooning 2 hours the journey was continued and the night encampment made on a creek where there was also a good spring of water and good feed for the cattle. This cmp ground was a quarter of a mile from Loupe Fork.

Friday, Sept. 12. The company started at 7:45 a.m. and traveled 9 miles over a sandy road and stopped to noon. The brethren did not expect to find water, but when a few of the wagons were moving on, the rest were preparing to do so, a prairie creek was discovered not far off. All hands then stopped and watered their cattle, then journeyed 4 miles further and camped at a place where there were several wells. The feed there was tolerable good, but there was no water for the cattle and no timber.

Saturday, Sept. 13. The company resumed the journey at 6 o'clock a.m., stopped at a pool of water at 8:30, which soon became so muddy that only a few of the cattle would drink it. Having stopped only a few minutes, the journey was continued and Prairie Creek reached at noon. Here the brethren watered their cattle and rested 2 3/4 hours, then traveled 11 miles further to a creek where water was plentiful, but feed rather scarce, there was sufficient fuel. The night encampment was made at 8 p.m. after traveling 22 miles.

Sunday, Sept. 14. The journey was resumed at 9:30 a.m. and the company traveled 2 miles and camped again on the same creek. Here grass was rather short but was sufficient to feed the cattle.

Monday, Sept. 15. The journey was resumed at 8 a.m.; the weather being very hot, the cattle suffered much. At 4 o'clock p.m. the company crossed Wood River on a very rough timber bridge and camped two miles further on the banks of the creek, where the feed for the cattle was good. Day's journey, 14 miles.

Tuesday, Sept. 16. The company started at 8:30 a.m., and in traveling found no water until 4:30 p.m., when the brethren turned off the road half a mile and camped near the Platte River where the feed was good. This place was about three miles past Fort Kearney. Day's journey, 16 miles.

Wednesday, Sept. 17. The company broke camp at 8:15 a.m. A cold, rough wind sprang up and continued the whole day. The company stopped 1 1/2 hours to water and rest their cattle and camped at 6 p.m. on Buffalo Creek. The cattle were kept in the corral all night, there being no feed for them. The distance traveled during the day was 17 miles.

Thursday, Sept. 18. This was a very cold morning in the camp and the company left at 6 o'clock a.m., traveled till 8 o'clock a.m. or until they reached a creek where they stopped to feed on the scanty grass. After stopping about three hours, the teams were again hitched up and the company moved on. The night encampment was made on a small creek at 6 p.m., after traveling during the day 18 miles. At this place feed was rather scarce.

Friday, Sept. 19. The company resumed the journey at 8:15 a.m. In the afternoon, about 5:30, a tire came off one of the wheels of Sister Taxford's wagon, which detained the company a short time. The camping place being some distance away, the brethren were compelled to leave the wagon on the prairie. After traveling 20 miles during the day, the night encampment was made at 8 o'clock p.m. half a mile off the road toward the Platte River.

Saturday, Sept. 20. This morning a company of armed men returned to the broken wagon on the prairie with the repaired wheel and the wagon brought safely to camp. At this time several other wagons in the company had loose tires and the brethren set about to work repairing them. They intended to move off in the afternoon and so all the cattle were driven into the corral and yoked up, but as a rain storm approached, the plan was changed, so that no move was made that day. A mail going east crossed to the other side of the river, bringing news from other emigration companies ahead. A company of traders came near the brethren that night as the feed for animals was good.

Sunday, Sept. 21. The cattle were again driven into the corral to be yoked up, but on account of a brother who was dying, the camp was detained all day. A buffalo was shot in the afternoon and the meat distributed. Brother Elias Davis departed this life at 3:45 p.m. aged 44 years, leaving a wife; he was highly respected by those who knew him. The disease which laid hm low was diarrhea. He was buried the same evening by the roadside.

Monday, Sept. 22. The company started this morning at 7:30 a.m. and passed over some sand bluffs at midday. They camped at 6 p.m. on Skunk Creek, three miles from the crossing, where there was good feed and water, after traveling 16 miles during the day. The camp was aroused at midnight by the guards who saw some one walking about crossing the corral, but would not answer when spoken to. Nothing further was seen of it, and so the men retired to their beds again.

Tuesday, Sept. 23. The morning was cold and frosty. The company resumed the journey at 6 o'clock a.m. An accident occurred to Sister Ann Davis, who husband died 2 days before. After crossing Skunk Creek she was in the act of getting out of the wagon when her clothes caught in the tongue, and she fell; the wheels passed over her thigh and shoulder, but luckily the road bed was soft sand and the injuries received were not so serious but that she was able to walk a few hours afterwards. Capt. Hunt and Spencer shot a buffalo in the afternoon which was brought to camp in the evening and the meat distributed. The night encampment was made at 6 p.m. on the Platte River, after traveling 18 miles during the day. The grass was somewhat scarce on this ground.

Wednesday, Sept. 24. Sister Mary Noble, wife of William Noble of Brighton, England, was delivered of a daughter in the morning. The company started at 9 o'clock a.m., traveled until sundown and camped for the night after making a distance of 14 miles. During the day the company traveled over a sandy road. The feed, at this place, was good.

Thursday, Sept. 25. The journey was resumed at 7:50 a.m., and as the road led over sandy bluffs, the cattle had a hard time of it. The night encampment was made on the Platte River, but it was after 7 o'clock p.m. before all the wagons arrived in camp, being detained thru the upsetting of Brother Bills wagon. The driver ran against the bank of a creek which the company had to cross instead of going over a steep sandy bluff. Sister Bills broke her arm in the accident. Day's journey 16 miles.

Friday, Sept. 26. The company started at 8:30 a.m. and traveled over a very soft, sandy road, crossing several sandy bluffs, which tried the cattle very much. After traveling 10 miles during the day, the night encampment was made at 6 o'clock p.m.

Saturday, Sept. 27. The company started at 8 o'clock a.m. and traveled over a level country, but through a great deal of soft sand. After traveling 16 miles, encampment was made at 6:15 p.m. where feed was scarce.

Sunday, Sept. 28. The journey was continued at 8:10 a.m. and the road led through considerable sand for 10 miles and then through more sand bluffs. Instead of going over them, the company passed along the bottom, near the river, having to double teams. Al got through safely. Traveling some distance further, the night encampment was made at 6:30 p.m., having traveled 12 miles during the day. The feed for the cattle was somewhat scarce. The cattle were corralled.

Monday, Sept. 29. An ox belonging to Elias and Joel A. Jones was found dead this morning in the corral. It seemed to be in good condition, but had been strained the day previous. The brethren named had two wagons and did not double their teams like the rest of the company did. The journey was resumed at 9 o'clock a.m. and the traveling was over sandy roads, where the pulling was hard part of the day. The evening camp was made at 6:30.

Tuesday, Sept. 30. The journey was continued at 8 o'clock a.m. The roads, during the day's travel, were better, and the encampment was made for the night on the Platte River, after traveling 16 miles.

October 1856

Wednesday, Oct. 1. The journey was resumed at 8 o'clock a.m. The company stopped 3 hours in the middle of the day, which was much longer than usual, Captains Hunt and Spencer endeavoring to find out where the preceding companies had crossed. Several sandhills were encountered during the days journey, and the night encampment was made at 6 p.m. where there were some green patches of grass, but otherwise the feed was rather scarce. Day's journey, 13 miles.

Thursday, Oct. 2. The company commenced to cross the river at 8 o'clock a.m. and all got across in about 2 3/4 hours. A company of mule teams, carrying soldiers, etc., bound for Fot Laramie, passed the brethren at 10 o'clock a.m. An hour later, they met a company of people with ox-teams, who were on their way back to the States from Utah and who gave an account of the poverty of the people there. At noon, the brethren met a company of soldiers and mule teams from Fort Laramie. After traveling 13 miles the night encampment was made on the Platte River at 6:30 p.m. The feed at this place was poor.

Friday, Oct. 3. The journey was continued at 8:30 a.m. on a good road. At 6:30 p.m., after traveling about 16 miles, the night encampment was made about 5 miles from Chimney Rock. Two worn out oxen were left by the wayside during the day, but one of them came into camp at night. The feed at this camping place was better than usual.

Saturday, Oct. 4. Sister Susannah Bruner from Switzerland died somewhat suddenly this morning, although she had been declining for some time past. At 1 o'clock she asked for a drink, and half an hour later she was found dead. This sister, who was buried at 8 o'clock a.m. was 64 years old. The company resumed the journey at 8:30 a.m., passed Chimney Rock at 10 a.m. and camped for the night at 4:45 p.m. near a place where good feed for the cattle was found on some large islands in the river. Caroline Brenchley was re-baptized by Elder John Cunison for the restoration of her health. Marinda Nancy Pay, daughter of Richard and Sarah Pay, died of diarrhea, just before midnight. She was 10 weeks old. Day's journey, 13 miles.

Sunday, Oct. 5. A company of 20 missionaries and some other who were traveling with them for protection, passed the camp at 10 a.m. with horse-teams, Parley P. Pratt and Thomas Bullock being among the number. The journey was resumed at 3 o'clock p.m. and, after traveling 5 miles, the night encampment was made at a place where feed was scarce.

Monday, Oct. 6. As the morning was foggy, the brethren found it difficult to find all their cattle, but the journey was resumed at 8:30 a.m. Brother John Turner from Natley, Kent, England, died at 9:45 a.m. of diarrhea, his illness having lasted about four weeks. Brother Turner who was 42 years old, left a son and daughter of tender years. A tire came off one of the Church wagon wheels which caused some delay. The company passed Scott's Bluffs, traveling over a very irregular, rough road. No noon halt was made that day and the night encampment was made on the Platte River at 4:30 p.m. after traveling 9 miles. Feed was scarce. Ruth Jones born.

Tuesday, Oct. 7. The company resumed the journey at 7 o'clock a.m. An ox belonging to Brother Richard Griffiths gave out. The dead ox was unhitched from its mate and the journey continued with one yoke of oxen. The loose pair of oxen was left form Brother Samuel Evans to drive, and while driving them, one of the bow keys broke, by which means the oxen became separated and the one that had the yoke hanging to its neck ran off and so frightened some of the other oxen that it caused them to leave the track and go at high speed, wagon after wagon. Soon, however, they were going at a terrible speed in different directions, causing a general consternation. The people belonging to the last half of the train were exposed to great danger of being knocked down, or crushed between the wagons. In a few minutes, however, the cattle were brought to a standstill, after some ten or twelve wagons had left the road. During the stampede, Sister Ester Walters from Cardiff, Wales, was knocked down and so badly injured that she expired in a few minutes afterwards, leaving a baby four weeks old, which at the time was in the wagon. The remains of Sister Walters were interred in the evening at 5 o'clock. She was 39 years old. After Brother Goble's wagon (which was broken in the stampede) was repaired, the company traveled on about one mile farther and camped at 6 p.m. Day's journey, 13 miles.

Wednesday, Oct. 8. The journey was resumed at 7:30 a.m. and the company traveled well and without detention all day. Encampment was made at 6:30 p.m. where feed was good, after traveling 20 miles.

Thursday, Oct. 9. The company started at 8 o'clock a.m. The latter part of the day, the roads led over soft sand, and it was with great difficulty that some of the wagons could pull through. The encampment for the night was made at 7 o'clock p.m., about one mile from Fort Laramie, after traveling 20 miles during the day. The feed was very poor at this camp. John Joseph Wiseman, aged 5 years, son of John and Mary Ann Wiseman, died at 0 p.m. from bodily weakness.

Friday, Oct. 10. The camp was visited in the morning by some of the brethren from the wagon and handcart companies, which were only a few miles ahead. The company started at 3 o'clock p.m. traveled over a sandy road part of the way and camped at 6 o'clock p.m., after traveling 6 miles. The feed was poor at this camp.

Saturday, Oct. 12. Brother Beesley and family with his wagon and Brother Bell and family with his wagon left camp and started back for Fort Laramie in the morning. The cause for Brother Beesley's return was the weak condition of his team, and Brother Bell did not wish to endure the severity of the weather, journeying so late in the season. The company broke camp at 12 o'clock noon, traveled 7 miles and camped on the Platte at 4 o'clock p.m.

Monday, Oct. 13. The journey was resumed at 8 o'clock a.m. going over a very hilly country. After traveling 20 miles during the day the encampment was made at 6:40 P.M. two miles from the river, where the feed was pretty good.

Tuesday, Oct. 14. The journey was continued at 8 o'clock a.m. and after traveling 15 miles during the day, the night encampment was made at 4:45 p.m. at a place where the feed was good across the river. At the evening prayer meeting it was proposed that as James Creek had removed from the Ten, over which he was captain, James Holley should succeed him as captain of that Ten, and that James Creek should assist Holley, captain of the guard, in some of his duties.

Wednesday, Oct. 15. The journey was resumed at 8:30 a.m. and the river forded at noon to the other side. After traveling 17 miles, the encampment for the night was made at 5:45. Pretty good feed was found across the river.

Thursday, Oct. 16. The journey was resumed at 7;30 a.m., the company again forded the river at 1 p.m. to the south side and the night encampment was made at 7:15 p.m., after traveling 22 miles. Feed was rather scarce.

Friday, Oct. 17. The journey was continued at 8:30 a.m. and the night encampment made at 5:45 p.m., after traveling 16 miles. The cattle were driven across the river to feed on rather poor grass.

Saturday, Oct. 18. The company started at 9 o'clock a.m., traveled 15 miles and camped on the Platte River at 6 p.m., where the feed was tolerably good.

Sunday, Oct. 19. The journey was continued at 7:30 a.m., and Capt. Edward Martin's handcart company was passed just as it was ready to start, after it had stopped for dinner. Many of the handcart people pulled their carts alongside the wagons belonging to the Hunt company "and", writes the clerk of the wagon company, "it was enough to draw forth one's sympathy for them, seeing the aged and women and children pulling their handcarts, many of them showing haggard countenances. We passed Fort Bridge about noon and camped at 2 o'clock p.m. on the fording place on the Platte River, after traveling 14 miles. Capt. Hodgett's wagon company had just forded when we arrived, and the handcart company crossed directly afterwards."

Monday, Oct. 20. This morning the ground was covered with snow which prevented the company from moving. The cattle were driven into the corral in the afternoon, some 12 or 14 head being missing. It commenced snowing again at 3 p.m. and continued for some time.

Tuesday, Oct. 21. The snow in the camp was about 8 inches deep, which completely stopped the company from traveling. The missing cattle had crossed the river and got mixed with Capt. Martin's company. They were all found.

Wednesday, Oct. 22. The fording of the Platte River was commenced at 1 o'clock p.m. by doubling teams. After traveling one mile on the other side, an encampment was made for the night. The brethren cut down cottonwood trees to feed the cattle.

Thursday, Oct. 23. The weather was very cold and frosty. William Upton who arrived from Capt. Hodgett's company the previous evening by Jesse Haven to consult Dr. Wiseman, died of mortification at the heart, aged 34 years. The camp was still detained because of snow. By this time several of the cattle had died.

Friday, Oct. 24. A very cold north-west wind was blowing, and the snow was quite deep, almost as deep as when it first fell. More timber was cut down to feed the cattle. One of the ox was found dead, and two more, not being able to stand the weather, were slaughtered.

Saturday, Oct. 25. The snow drifted by the effect of a cold and strong wind so that the ground became bare in some places, thus enabled the cattle to get a little grass.

Sunday, Oct. 26. There was a slight thaw during the day and the cattle looked much better. Capt. Hunt went to Fort Bridger to see about trading for cattle to replace those that had died.

Monday, Oct. 27. The snow melted gradually. Sixteen head of cattle were brought from the Fort in the evening and more could be had on the morrow.

Tuesday, Oct. 28. The weather continued cold. Brothers Joseph W. Young and two other brethren arrived in camp in the evening from the Valley. This caused a general rejoicing throughout the camp, though the tidings of the snow extending westward for forty or fifty miles was not encouraging. The handcart companies had been supplied with food and clothing and the condition of the wagon companies would be reported to the valley speedily, as the brethren traveling with teams were also getting short of provisions. Thirteen head of cattle were brought from the Fort in the evening.

Wednesday, Oct. 29. The three brethren, who had arrived in the camp from the Valley the day before, left Capt. Hunt's company on their return, expecting to be back with help in ten days. The company resumed the journey at 2 o'clock p.m., leaving on the camp ground one old wagon belonging to Brother Walters who had joined Brother Farmer in bringing their teams together and making one wagon serve for both families. After traveling 3 miles, a new encampment was made at 3:30 p.m. at a place where feed was scarce.

Thursday, Oct. 30. The company resumed the journey at 9 o'clock a.m., the weather being fine, but the roads heavy, leading over high hills and wet, sandy ground. After traveling 7 miles, the company went into camp at 2 p.m., near the Platte River, where the feed was scarce. Margaret Price, wife of John Price of Pembrokeshire, Wales, was delivered of a daughter.

Friday, Oct 31. The company remained in camp all day. The brethren who had received fresh cattle from the traders at Fort Bridger upon a draft of Brigham Young held by Brother Thomas Thomas ( who kindly proffered it for the use of the camp) signed bonds, giving as security to him their oxen and wagons.

November 1856

Saturday, Nov. 1. The company resumed the journey at 11:15 a.m., but had traveled only a short distance when a snowstorm came on, accompanied by rain, making the ground very wet and muddy. All the emigrants were cautioned not to let the cattle drink, as the road led through poisonous creeks of water. After traveling 12 miles, encampment was made at 7 o'clock p.m. where there was no wood or water. The company was met during the day by Brother Cyrus H. Wheelock and William Broomhead from the Valley. They came to find out the condition of the wagon company.

Sunday, Nov. 2. During the night a hard frost had prevailed and several of the cattle had strayed away. Search was made for some distance around the camp but they could not be found. Those who had their teams traveled on to Willow Springs, from which place oxen were sent back to bring up the other wagons afterwards. Capts. John A. Hunt and Gilbert Spencer went back to the previous day's camping place and found the missing oxen, which they brought to camp late in the evening. At this place, the snow was 6 or 6 inches deep, and the weather was very cold. The brethren cut down willows for the oxen. The company had traveled 4 miles during the day. A meeting was held in the camp in the evening addressed by Elders Wheelock, Webb and Broomhead, and a unanimous vote was taken that ll the emigrating Saints would be willing to do as they were instructed, even if it was required of them to leave all they had behind and be glad to get into the Valley with their lives only. They agreed to cease complaining at coming so late in the season, as everything was being done to start to company.

Monday, Nov. 3. The company started at 10:30 a.m., the weather being very cold. Fourteen or fifteen oxen were left on the road. The night encampment was formed on Greasewood Creek, half a mile from the crossing, at 8 p.m., after traveling 11 miles during the day. The infant child of William Sable died at 9 o'clock p.m.*

*From this date on, the camp journal was written with lead pencil which at this late day, Feb. 25, 1926, can scarcely be read. It would appear that the ink used by the scribe had frozen, and the journal from now on only contained a few entries.

Tuesday, Nov. 4. The brethren found some green grass growing along the banks of Greasewood Creek and they scraped off the snow in places, in order to find something for the cattle to eat. A fresh start was made at 3 o'clock p.m., but after traveling 5 miles, another encampment was made on the same creek (Greasewood Creek).

Wednesday, Nov. 5. Jane Walters, daughter of John Walters, died at 9:30 a.m., aged 6 weeks. The company started at 11 o'clock a.m., passed Independence Rock at 2 p.m. and arrived at the log house at Devil's gate at 8 p.m. Here Brother Hodgett's company were encamped. Brother George grant and other brethren from the Valley were stopping here to give the emigrating Saints instructions in regard to their further journeyings to the Valley. A meeting was called which was addressed by Brothers Grant, Cyrus H. Wheelock and Robert T. Burton. Brother Grant informed the emigrants that they would have to leave their goods at this place (until they could be sent for), such as stoves, boxes of tools, spare clothing, etc., and only take along sufficient clothing to keep them warm, with their bedding. He wanted four or five wagons and teams to assist the handcart companies and he expected them to take only about half the number of wagons along. All present expressed their willingness to do whatever was expected of them. The distance traveled during that day was 12 miles.

Thursday, Nov. 6. The weather was intensely cold and stormy and the snow drifted very much. The brethren commenced to unpack their wagons and store the goods in the log house. William Burton died at 10 o'clock p.m. He had been brought down with ague, and could not bear the intensity of the cold. Brother Burton was 26 years old.

Friday, Nov. 7. The weather continued extremely cold. More wagons were unloaded and the goods stored. Ann Davis, aged 47 years, died at 4 p.m. of diarrhea.

Saturday, Nov. 8. Capt. William b. Hodgett's company rolled out of the Devil's gate encampment, and the remainder of the wagons in Capt. Hunt's company were unloaded. An inventory of the goods left at the log house was given to Brother George Grant.

Sunday, Nov. 9. The weather being a little milder, the company resumed the journey at 12 o'clock noon, crossing the Sweetwater and camped at 4 p.m., having traveled 6 miles. Twenty-four wagons were the number taken by the company from Devil's Gate.

Monday, Nov. 10. Nothing was written in the camp journal this day.

Tuesday, Nov. 11. Mary Hutchinson, aged 70 years, died at 4 o'clock p.m. James Reese, aged 60 years, died at 9 o'clock p.m. after suffering a long time from diarrhea and ague.

Wednesday, Nov. 12. Sophia Turner, aged 15 years, was found dead in bed, having been suffering with diarrhea for some time past.

Thursday, Nov. 13. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Friday, Nov. 14. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Saturday, Nov. 15. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Sunday, Nov. 16. John Turner, aged 12 years, died at 7 o'clock a.m. of diarrhea.

Monday, Nov. 17. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Tuesday, Nov. 18. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Wednesday, Nov. 19. The company crossed the South Pass and camped at the Pacific Springs.

Thursday, Nov. 20. The company was divided into several smaller ones.

Friday, Nov. 21. The camp clerk writes: "Four horse teams arrived in camp this morning and took away about ten of our company to each wagons."

Biographical Sketch of John A. Hunt

Saturday, Nov. 22. The camp journal says: "A number of oxen came from Fort Bridger and took on several of our wagons to that place.

Sunday, Nov. 23. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Monday, Nov. 24. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Tuesday, Nov. 25. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Wednesday, Nov. 26. The company arrived at Green River.

Thursday, Nov. 27. Sarah Pay, aged 30 years, died of diarrhea.

Friday, Nov. 28. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Saturday, Nov. 29. Several wagons crossed Green River and camped on the other side, in order to be in readiness to start on the following morning.

Sunday, Nov. 30. The remainder of the wagons left Green River.

December 1856

Monday, Dec. 1. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Tuesday, Dec. 2. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Wednesday, Dec. 3. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Thursday, Dec. 4. The last of the wagons arrived at Fort Bridger

Friday, Dec. 5. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Saturday, Dec. 6. A messenger arrived from Great Salt Lake City in the evening, bringing intelligence that a number of teams were coming on the road to bring in the remainder of the Saints from the mountains, they were also bringing provisions with them. This caused great joy in the camp.

Sunday, Dec. 7. Fourteen wagons (relief teams) arrived in camp in the evening from the valley.

Monday, Dec. 8. More wagons (relief teams) arrived in camp from the valley.

Tuesday, Dec. 9. This morning some of the teams which had come from the valley to help in the belated emigrants started on their return.

Wednesday, Dec. 10. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Thursday, Dec. 11. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Friday, Dec. 12. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Saturday, Dec. 13. Nothing written in the camp journal this day.

Sunday, Dec. 14. Nothing written in camp journal this day.

Monday, Dec. 15. The following is the last entry made by lead pencil in Capt. John A. Hunt's camp journal: "The remainder of the Saints arrived in Great Salt Lake City today, the emigration being now completed."