Bernice Iverson's Life Story

The first known picture of Bernice
Closeup of Bernice

"We did all we could and if it wasn't for our faith and knowledge in God it would surely bow us deep in sorrow, for Mamma, she was our darling." These words were written by Victor Iverson in a letter to his mother, informing her of the death of his daughter Bernice Iverson.

At the age of 4, Bernice, the oldest child of Victor and Leoma Iverson, had been claimed by Diphtheria. In the span of her short life, she brought untold joy to her family, and her death left a void that only their unshakeable faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ could fill.

In four years, this child, who in the words of her father had intelligence that sometimes exceeded grown people, lived in 8 cities across 4 states and suffered the agony brought on by two of the deadliest diseases of her day; Spanish Influenza, which she survived, and Diphtheria, which ultimately took her life.

Bernice was born on the 6th of January, 1918 in Kaolin, Nevada. Her mother Leoma describes her as, a beautiful baby girl with lots of long black hair.

For the first ten days of her life, a woman named Mrs. Sprague would visit the family everyday and give Bernice a bath. Despite this kind of loving care, it wasn't long before Bernice would be introduced to two of the few constants in her life; travel and relocation.

After just three months, the family packed up their meager belongings and moved to Las Vegas where Victor found work in an Ice plant. After another short stay, the family was again on the move to Pocatello, Idaho where Victor found work on the railroad.

Little is known of Bernice's life at this time. Her father and mother both describe her as being intelligent beyond her age and a happy child.

However, not long after their move to Idaho, Victor was exposed to the first deadly flu virus and hovered near death. He quit his job on the railroad and the family moved to Inkom, Idaho where Victor found new employment on a dairy.

Whether due to contact with her father or some other source, Bernice became infected with Influenza as well. Leoma describes them both as burning with fever for three weeks. She worked industriously to nurse them both back to health while all around the country thousands were dying from the disease and it is estimated that 20 to 40 million died worldwide.

Marie about one year old

But, thanks to Leoma's care, both Victor and Bernice recovered fully and Victor moved the family to Dillon, Montana. In their first night in Dillon they found accommodation in a hotel. Leoma recounts that as soon as the lights were off thousands of blood sucking bugs crawled out of the woodwork and began to attack them. In order to allow Bernice to sleep, Leoma stayed awake most of the night, fighting to keep the bugs at bay.

Eventually Leoma rented a house in town while Victor was away for work. Very little is written of Bernice's life in Dillon. Leoma recalled only that she and Bernice were required to walk nearly half a mile together for groceries.

The family lived in Dillon for two months, after which they determined it would be best to return to St. George, Utah. The year was 1919, and Leoma was pregnant with her second child and required the help of Victor's mother Hannah and his sister Annie during the delivery. Victor got a job hauling freight from St. George to Roy Bundy's store in Mt. Trumbull, Arizona just south of St. George. Leoma and Bernice stayed with Annie while Victor was gone hauling frieght

A second girl, Marie, was born 6 December in Annie's home. When Marie was ten days old they moved to Mt. Trumbull. They were living in Overton, Nevada when a son was born 27 July, 1922. From there they moved to a Gyp mining camp near Moapa, Nevada.

While they were in the camp Bernice became ill with a sore throat. Her illnes became worse to they took her to a doctor in Las Vegas. He determined that she had Diptheria. Since Diptheria is very contagious the whole family was asked to stay in an old vacated building. Victor was the only one who coulld leave the building. The doctor went Los Angelos, California for an anti toxin to treat Bernice with. He was too late to help her and she died 29 September 1922.

When Marie wrote her life history she recorded the following about Bernice's death and burial.

Some of my earliest childhood memories are of me playing with my sister, Bernice who was around 2 years older than me. At the time we lived at the Gyp mines near Las Vegas. We lived in a white boarded up tent. Most everyone did. I remember my sister became sick and way yin on a cot in the shade of the tent. She had a toy enamel dish pan she really liked. I took it and started running around the tent dragging it behind me. I remember Bernice telling me to put it down but I didn't pay much attention. My sister became so sick that we took her to Las Vegas and they told us she had diphtheria which was a deadly and very contagious disease in those days and caused the death of many children especially.

They quarantined us in a vacated old nursing home. The doctor and county nurse came in to see her. Daddy was the only one of us allowed out to get groceries and he had to change clothes and take certain precautions.

The doctor telegraphed to Los Angeles for the newly developed anti-toxin for Diphtheria. Then they waited long hours and days and it didn't come back on the train as he had planned. Bernice grew steadily worse. I also started with it. Finally the doctor boarded the fastest train and went to L.A. and found that the telegram hadn't even been delivered yet because it was the weekend.

He obtained the medicine and came back as fast as he could. But it was too late for my beloved sister. She soon passed away. My parents said that poor doctor broke down and cried because he couldn't save her. But I remember this tall slender doctor in the dark suit sat down, took me over his knees, bottom side up and gave me a shot to save my life. I remember how I kicked and cried.

This hair clipping was found in a wallet owned by Bernice's father Victor. It was probably taken from Bernice after she died.

I didn't know my sister had died but I remember my Dad coming to me all dressed up in his light gray suit. He knelt down by me and ask if I knew where Bernice was. I said, "Yes, she is in the bed in the other room." My father said, "No, she has left us." But I insisted that she was in the other room so I took him in to show him and the bed was made up nice and smooth and she was gone. I never saw her again but they told me they dressed her in a white dress with a blue ribbon in her hair.

No funeral was allowed or any relations or anyone came because to her dying of diphtheria. Everyone was so afraid. My father even had to have an old junk man with an old truck come and hauled her casket to the cemetery.

Listen to Marie discuss Bernice and her death and burial.


Marie and Bernice

These instructions were left by Marie Iverson Waite to her children. Marie died 1 March 2007 and was buried in the Homedale-Marsing Cemetery next to her husband, Rodney. The items were buried with her.