Invasion of the Aliens

It was the nature of Flossie, the pack mule, to be out in front when we rode along the trail. David DeCow and I were on the lower Pine Valley Mountain terrain as we came off a pack trip we had made. The trail was moving through scrub oak brush about 6 feet high and Flossie was down the trail and out of sight. David was in front of me riding Dipwad, I was riding Thumper and Jingles, a large young pack mule, was bringing up the rear about 50 to 100 feet behind. All of a sudden Flossie came stampeding back along the trail at top speed, barely missing David with her right alphog. I turned my head in time to see her collide with Jingles with such force that it lifted them about 3 feet off the ground landing Jingles on her side and Flossie piled up next to her. When they got untangled we continued down the trail and wondered what kind of beast could have given her such a scare.

Presently we came upon 2 motorcycle riders, dressed in purple and yellow suits and wearing helmets with tinted face masks. Their cycles were also purple and yellow and they were barreling up a trail that was never used by motorized vehicles. David scolded them for being on the wrong trail, but I didn't say anything.

We figured Flossie had taken them to be aliens from Mars and was getting the hell out of there.