37. Satan's Subtle Devices

Like Eve, we need to learn to identify Satan's subtle and sinister tactics against covenant-making men and women. It doesn't matter how talented or smart or valiant a person is, no one is resilient enough to survive against him by fooling around with his temptations. He is too experienced at spiritual ambush, Hugh Nibly' in "Approaching Zion", tells us that one meaning of his name is "the one who lies in wait." and the only way to deal with him is to shun him completely and leave him absolutely alone."

The oft told story of the Indian boy and the rattlesnake helps us understand what we are up against. The boy was traveling to the top of a mountain for a religious experience to learn what his true name was. It was very cold, and as he started his return back down the mountain, he came across a rattlesnake who was coiled up on the ground. The snake, being a cold-blooded reptile, had become so cold during the night, that he was unable to move. He spoke to the boy, asking him to kindly pick him up and carry him lower down the mountain where it was warmer, so he could recover. The boy, was of course very reluctant to do so. He knew how devious and dangerous rattlesnakes were, and had seen death come to some who had carelessly encountered them.

He declined, saying he knew the snake was an enemy, and he wanted nothing to do with him. The snake, however, began to beg with him, saying that if the boy would do this great kindness, he would return the favor by not biting him. In fact, he made a solemn vow, that if the boy helped him, he would come to no harm. So, eventually, the boy took the snake at his word, and picked up the cold reptile and put him under his clothing and started down again. In a short while, the snake began to get warmth from the boy's body, as well as the warmer air at a lower elevation. At the snakes request, the boy was carefully putting the snake down to the ground, the snake bit him! Stunned and terrified, the boy cried to the snake..."But you promised, and I believed you, and now I will die horribly up here all alone." The snake replied harshly as it slithered away, "You knew what I was when you picked me up!

Forsaking Satan may mean changing things. It may be we need to change our wardrobe, or change channels, or change attitudes, or change habits, or change lifestyles, or even change friends. It is not possible to "sort of" dress more modestly, or "kind of" tell the truth, or act with integrity "some of the time", or "almost" be morally clean. 90% tithing isn't tithing, it is a donation.

As Brother Nibley commented on the changing values of entertainment, that the recent rash, or rather "trash" of awful TV reality and game shows...Survivor, Bachelor, The Weakest Link, American Idol, etc. are Satan's lies, that by being vulgar, back-biting, cheating, deceiving, and only one person can win philosophy, is normal and desirable.

Who are heroines to women and girls...Is it the half dressed, vulgar celebrities, or is it Eve, Mary, Sariah, Lucy Mack, Emma, Mary Fielding, Camilla Kimball, Marjory Hinkley, Sherri Dew, July Beck, etc.

Mothers and good women everywhere can do much to teach about Satan's lies and trickery. Women who haven't children can still act as mothers. Eve was called Mother before she ever had children. Women can and must stand against evil by standing fast, immovable, unflinching, and courageous against the awful tide of deception that is overcoming the world.