24. Ruth Waite to Parents
I wrote this letter written on April 21 Wed. 1976 to my parents, Loyn and Mabel Blacker on a mission in England., concerning the miracle of Ryan's heart healing.

Dear Mama and Daddy,

A miracle has happened! Dr. Henken told me yesterday that Ryan's x-ray was normal, and the electro cardiogram was "barely remarkable", and from all he can tell Ryan's defect is "small". Not even medium as he first mentioned it might be. He says there is no reason for catheterization now, and probably never.

I asked if Dr. Hylen, being such a competent cardiologist could have mis-diagnosed Ryan as having a severe defect. Dr. Hylen said it was probably just closing by itself. Did I tell you Dr. Hylen had said it would never close?

Dr. Henken said there was one more test that could be done...an echo cardiogram. I told him this had been done in October, so he said he would read it and call me back. He hasn't called, but said this test wouldn't tell a whole lot, but would add some information to the ex-rays, etc.

We probably shouldn't have told you Ryan was being scheduled for surgery, and maybe worried you, but should have waited until after this scheduled visit with Henken, but of course, then we had no idea this would turn out like this. This is just too good to be true. We can hardly believe it as it's almost more than we can comprehend. You'd think we would go running around jumping for joy, but we just can't. It is as if some precious thing had been handed to us. We feel reverent, I guess.

We've been living with certain open heart surgery hanging over us for 21/2 years, just going from 3 month intervals of one checkup to another, and now it is all over. Dr. Henken wants to see him again in three months to confirm his diagnosis, but said there would be no need for x-rays or the like, and if everything goes alright then, Ryan will only need checking every few years.

We could take him to get a third opinion, but a pediatric cardiologist is about as specialized as a cardiologist could get. Dr. Henken said he had called Dr. Hylen and didn't say there was any disagreement between them.

I believe our prayers and fasts have been answered, maybe overnight, as Dr. Hylen gave no indication on Thursday that Ryan was better, even though he said he was no worse. Dr. Johnston said the week before that Ryan's heart didn't sound any worse, but because of his weight he ought to have some correction done. He has said every time he's x-rayed Ryan, That's an awfully big hole!" I just can't see how such good doctors could have been so wrong. We believe that Ryan was that bad, and somewhere along the line, he's been healed, or nearly so, and we're really grateful.

Ryan has become so afraid of doctors that no matter where we go, when we get into the car, he'll start to cry and say, "I no go see doctor!" He'd cry in the waiting rooms and all during the examinations. When Dr. Henken said to take him for x-rays, I asked why the attendants would never let me go with Ryan, since he would get so upset. He said, "You insist on it, and if they won't, then have them call me. If they won't then, we won't do it. There's no need to traumatize him like that!"

He was really kind to Ryan, not that the others haven't been, but they weren't that concerned. When I did go into the room for the next x-ray, I could see why he was frightened. They put him into a gadget like a huge blender. The upper clear plastic part would open vertically. There were two hole in the bottom where his legs fit through. Then they'd hold his arms over his head and close the clear top, so there he was enclosed all around with his arms held over his head. Then the technician would leave the room and by remote control turn the contraction in all directions. I could just stand in the doorway, but he knew I was there. He screamed anyway. Poor little kid just didn't know what was happening.

Now when we go in the car, Ryan says, "I no go to da doctor. I fru!"

Thanks for all your prayers.
With love, Ruth, Laron and all

Ryan had to have some checkups and at age 9 went back to Boise from Heyburn for a catheterization, which was very hard on him. A big deal.