1. Children Leaving Home
A talk given at Adin's missionary farewll in the Heyburn Second Ward.

I would like to talk about children leaving home. Each school morning at our house, a recurring scene presents itself, as the six attending school prepare. They usually post a pre-schooler at the window to watch for Sis. Jackson's bus. This child would delight in shouting "Here it comes!", when it wasn't, and then laughing at the resulting pandemoniom. Then there is an instant replay as the bus really does come around the corner. About then someone decides maybe they ought to look for their left shoe, and someone else wonders what has happened to her books that she had righteously put exactly where they belong the night before. Then as they clatter out the door and down the lane, one of the little ones will run to the door and call after them, "Remember who you are!" These are usually the last words said from home each morning lo these many years, called out first by parents, and then younger brothers or sisters as they have come along. This means, remember you have been taught how to act, to be honest, and kind and please act accordingly. Often a very young brother or sister will become confused and call out, "Don't forget your name" and we laugh, but really it means the same thing. Don't forget you are known by a family name, and your actions reflect on all of us. Don't forget you are also known by the name, Latter-day Saint, and please act accordingly.

Then later in the afternoon, usually little ones start looking for the bus as their sibliings return home. Each of us are children who left another home, a heavenly home, and I don't doubt that as we were leaving, a concerned parent and loving brothers and sisters called out words like, "Remember who you are." or "Don't forget" and there are anxious ones awaiting our return. I believe we al set out determined to return, but the farther we went from home, the greater our forgetfulness, and it became harder to maintain that determination.

A few weeks ago in RS the lesson was about the Plan of Salvation. I sensed a feeling among some of us that the Celestial Kingdom was thought to be unattainable by many of us. We maybe thought it was presumptious or conceited of us to think we might become so worthy. that we would never make it back home. This is an idea probably used by Satan to discourage us. We ae told by Boyd K. Packer that "There is no shortage of room in the Celestial Kingdom." Stirling W. Sill said, "There is no power in the universe that can come between us and the Celestial Kingdom, except our own power.", and we have help. We are not left alone. Ezra Taft Benson said, "God loves us and wants us to succeed...He has not left one thing undone for the Eternal welfare of each of us. If we only knew it, there are heavenly hosts pulling for us; friends in heaven that we can't remember now, who yearn for our victory." and S. Dilworth Young said, "I can promise you the spirit (Holy Ghost) is a whole lot more anxious to help you than you are to be helped."

Those of you who attended MIA when I did remember the series of illustrated cards the Church put out. (describe size, ect.) One made a lasting impression..."Nothing is free." If we want to gain exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom, we must be willing to pay the price.

A great pianist was approached by a woman, who said, "I would give my life to play like you." He answered, "Dear Madam, that is exactly what I have done." Most of us would love to play an instrument well, but few of us are willing to pay the price of years of many hours of practice a day. We have to want to reach the Celestial Kingdom badly enough to do whatever it takes. In Alma 29:4, Alma said "I know that he (the Lord) granteth unto men according to their desire. D&C 11:8..."Verily, verily I say unto you, even as you desire of me, so shall it be done unto you."

A lovely song written by Ora Pate Steward, whom I admire very much sums up what I'm trying to say. .. this is also for Adin, as he prepares to leave home for his mission.

Do you know who you are, child of mine ?
So precious and dear to me?
Did you know you're a part of a great design that is vast as eternity?

Do you know where you've been, child of mine?
It's hard to recall I know.
Do you ever remember that home divine
With the Father who loves you so?
Do you sometimes review how he took your hand
And placed it within my own,
Saying, "Here is a child from angel land
Not a gift, but a precious loan."

Do you now where you're going, child of mine?
Are you sure of the road ahead?
Do the spires of His castle gleam and shine
Where the sun glows golden red?
Are you taking enough for your journey, child?
Does your lamp cast a steady glow?
Can you hold your course while the
Storm is wild---
You will make it my child, I know.

Adin can make it, we know and serve an honorable mission. When he was a little boy, he would pray that he would be a good boy so he could grow up and go on a mission and get married in the temple.

We can make it to the Celestial Kingdom. If we have made mistakes, we can correct them...

As I transcribed this talk, I was unable to find the last page, so will just leave it here.